How Much Do We Know About Space?
All images: NASA
All images: NASA
Our universe is unimaginably massive. NASA says the universe is 13.7 billion years old. Till now, all the stars, planets, and galaxies that have been discovered make up just four per cent of the universe, and the rest 96 per cent is unknown.
The mysterious elements of our universe are referred to as dark energy and dark matter. Dark matter makes up most of the mass of galaxies and galaxy clusters and is responsible for the way galaxies are organised on grand scales. Dark energy, meanwhile, is the influence which drives the expansion of the universe.
In 2011, American science writer Richard Panek said, "The overwhelming majority of the universe is: who knows?" Panek pointed out that the universe would possibly be unknown forever.
As space exploration becomes more developed in the near future, it can massively help explore the unknowns in our universe. However, a complete understanding of dark matter and dark energy remains the current challenge. The day this happens, we can safely say that humans have explored everything in the universe.
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