How Fast is the Speed of Light?

All images: NASA

The Mind-Boggling Speed of Light

Light has a mind-boggling speed of nearly 300 million metres per second. All forms of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, travel at the speed of light.

Just 0.13 Seconds are needed to Complete a Full Circle of Earth

It takes just 0.13 seconds to complete a full circle of Earth, which is ridiculously quick. 

But There's a Catch

Despite light being so quick, its speed is relatively slow when compared to the size of the universe. 

Eight Minutes to Reach the Sun, 4 Hours to Reach the nearest Star

Light would take eight minutes to reach the sun, four hours to reach the nearest star, 2.5 million years to reach the closest galaxy Andromeda, and 46.5 billion years to reach the edge of the observable universe.