Craters on Mars Named After Indian Towns and Cities

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Indian Scientists recently discovered three new craters on Mars. Two of these have been named after towns in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

One crater is named in honour of the Indian geophysicist and Ahmedabad's Physical Research Laboratory director Devendra Lal.

The other two are called Mursan and Hilsa, based on towns in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. 

Past Instances

Previously, three craters were named after Indian towns and cities; Poona, Lonar and Kakori.

Deciding Authority

After the scientists suggest the names for the craters, they have to be approved by a body at the International Astronomical Union. The Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) is responsible for the same.

Rules of Naming

A few standardised rules need to be followed while naming the craters. 

According to international regulations, craters with less than a diameter of 60 Km are named after towns with a population under 100,000.

According to NASA, more than 43,000 craters have a diameter greater than 5 km on the surface of Mars.  Out of these, the largest crater is the Hellas Planitia which has a diameter of about 1,400 miles (2,250 km).