Popular and Intriguing UFO Sightings: Reports

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1947, The Roswell Incident 

July 2 is marked after the famous Roswell incident in 1947 — a supposed UFO crash. United States Army Air Forces officers from Roswell Army Air Field recovered balloon debris from a ranch near Corona, New Mexico in 1947. Decades later, the conspiracy theories suggest that the debris involved a flying saucer and the US government covered up the truth. 

   Kenneth Arnold case, 1947

On June 24, aviator Kenneth Arnold, also a businessman and politician wrote about a UFO.  Arnold had claimed that he saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier. According to him, the speed of those objects is estimated at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour. 

      1989-90, Belgian UFO wave

On June 24, aviator Kenneth Arnold, also a businessman and politician wrote about a UFO. It is generally considered to be the first widely reported UFO in the United States. The famous Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting occurred in 1947.  Arnold had claimed that he saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier.

Foo fighter

During World War II, Allied aircraft pilots claimed that they often spot small metallic spheres and colourful balls of light. Such uncommon aerial phenomena were occasionally photographed by bomber crews during World War II. The objects were seen in skies over both the European and Pacific theatres of operations. 

Ghost rockets

The ghost rockets were spotted mostly in Scandinavia, but also in some other European countries. The Swedish Defense Staff expressed concerns over numerous UFO sightings that were reported over Scandinavia. They were rocket/missile-shaped UFOs sightings in 1946, mostly in Sweden and nearby countries like Finland. 

   Westall encounter 1966 

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  1957, Levelland case

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    1997, Phoenix lights 

A V-shaped "otherworldly" craft was spotted by thousands of people in the skies over Arizona. The craft, with five spherical lights, was seen several city blocks across.   People saw the object between 19:30 and 22:30 MST in a space of about 300 miles - from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson. 

Pentagon and UFO claims 

A former US intelligence officer told a congressional committee in 2023 that American authorities are covering up the evidence about UFOs.  David Grusch testified that he "absolutely" believes the government is in possession of unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs, which has replaced the term UFO in official parlance, as well as remains of their non-human operators.