A Planet 2 Times Bigger than Earth: Our Second Home?
All images: NASA, Artists' impressions (Ph03nix1986)
All images: NASA, Artists' impressions (Ph03nix1986)
There are a handful of exoplanets in the Milky Way galaxy that are thought to be better for life than here on Earth. KOI-5715.01 is one among them which can become our second home.
According to astronomy YouTuber Astrokobi, KOI-5715.01 is the best candidate for a superhabitable world. The planet is nearly 3,000 light-years away from Earth and twice the size of our planet.
An image taken by the Curiosity rover from the foothills of Mount Sharp showed the formation of rocks that NASA named gator-back rocks because of how they look.
According to AstroKobi, KOI-5715.01 orbits within its star's habitable zone meaning oceans of water could exist. Although its surface temperature is slightly colder than the Earth's average of 15 °C it may still have superhabitable conditions if it is experiencing a comparatively stronger greenhouse effect.
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