A Look at the Best Space Photographs

All images: NASA/ESA

Pillars of Creation

This iconic photograph was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. It shows the pillars as seen in visible light, capturing the multi-coloured glow of gas clouds, wispy tendrils of dark cosmic dust, and the rust-coloured elephants’ trunks of the nebula’s famous pillars.

Rings of Relativity

An example of a very strange space phenomenon, this photograph shows a narrow galaxy elegantly curving around its spherical companion. The picture depicts GAL-CLUS-022058s, one of the most complete Einstein rings ever discovered in our Universe.

Bubble Nebula

The Bubble Nebula, also known as NGC 7635, is an emission nebula located 8,000 light-years away. This image was observed by the Hubble Telescope to celebrate its 26th year in space.

Galaxy NGC 2525

Located nearly 70 million light-years from Earth, this galaxy is part of the constellation of Puppis in the southern hemisphere.