What could be a more intriguing thing than a planet made up of diamonds? 55 Cancri e is a planet in outer space that is built of diamonds.
The Himiko Cloud is a massive, distant gas cloud found in space. It’s named after an ancient Japanese queen. This cloud is thought to be an early cosmic structure, possibly a young galaxy.
A Large Quasar Group (LQG) is a collection of multiple quasars, which are extremely bright and energetic objects powered by supermassive black holes. LQGs are among the largest structures in the universe.
Gravitational Lensing occurs when the gravitational field of a massive object, like a galaxy or a black hole, bends and distorts light from a more distant object behind it.
In astronomy, Mickey Mouse refers to the alignment of three galaxies in a shape that resembles the famous Disney character.
A cold star doesn’t emit as much visible light as other stars, giving it a lower temperature and a red colour.
The term ‘new found blob’ is a general reference to a recently discovered celestial object that appears as a shapeless or irregular region in space, often emitting light in specific wavelengths.
The Pillars of Creation are a famous feature within the Eagle Nebula (M16). These are large columns of gas and dust in a stellar nursery, where new stars are forming.
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