7 Spectacular Astronomical Events Coming Up in 2024 

January - Quadrantids Meteor Shower 

The Quadrantids meteor shower, considered among the top annual meteor showers, peaks between Jan 3-4. 

March - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 

A penumbral lunar eclipse, also known as a partial eclipse, is one of the most subtle lunar eclipses. It is slated for Mar 25. 

April - Total Solar Eclipse 

A total solar eclipse will encapsulate North America, passing over the U.S., Mexico and Canada on April 8. 

August - Perseid Meteor Shower 

One of the most anticipated celestial marvels of the year, Perseid meteor showers are expected to peak between Aug 11-13. 

September - Partial Lunar Eclipse 

Unlike the eclipse in March, this celestial event is much more pronounced in the night sky. It is expected to occur on Sep 17. 

November - Leonid Meteor Shower 

The Leonids, a major meteor shower with colourful and bright streaks, is expected to peak during mid-November around Nov 17 and Nov 18. 

December - Geminid Meteor Shower 

The Geminids meteor showers are one of the year’s brightest celestial displays, and will peak in mid-December around Dec 13-14.