5 Upcoming Astronomical Events  in April 2024

April 6: Conjunction of Moon and Mars

On April 6, early risers can witness a predawn conjunction of the Moon and Mars. Though they won’t be very close, but the thin crescent Moon and the bright reddish-orange Mars will be visible in the same binocular field of view.

April 8: Total Solar Eclipse

This rare event, where the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s light, will cast a narrow path of totality across parts of North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

April 10: Conjunction of Moon and Jupiter

On April 10, the early evening twilight will feature a beautiful conjunction of Moon and Jupiter in the constellation Aries. The crescent Moon, a mere 4.3% illuminated, will be the fainter of the two.

April 21-22: Lyrid Meteor Shower

The Lyrid meteor shower will peak on the night of April 21 into the pre-dawn hours of April 22. This shower is known for its fast, bright meteors, with rates of up to 15-20 meteors per hour at its peak.

April 23: Pink Moon

The April full Moon, nicknamed Pink Moon or the Sprouting Grass Moon, will be visible on April 23. The Pink moon signifies the blooming of vibrant pink flowers.