Wikipedia Co-founder on Why ChatGPT is Not Credible

'Not Good Enough' For Many Purposes

Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales said that ChatGPT has plenty of limitations that cannot be ignored. 

It Is 'Pretty Mad'

"Now when we look at the emergence of ChatGPT, clearly, it’s not good enough for a great many purposes. It’s an amazing thing to play with, but when you really start to use it, what initially seems fantastic you realise is pretty bad," he said.

There's Still A Long Way To Go

Wales, however, expected that technology will continue improving over time. “I think it will continue to get better. But, you know, I think we’re still a long way from it being able to be a reliable source.” 

Parallels Between ChatGPT and eBay

Wales recalled the worries in eBay’s early days: "I remember in the early days of eBay, it was like, 'Oh, no, somebody’s selling a gun on eBay.’' Then after a while, we figured out you can list whatever you want on eBay, but people will report it, and it gets taken down."