Tale of Jesus Christ's Birth on Christmas
Tale of Jesus Christ's Birth on Christmas
Tale of Jesus Christ's Birth on Christmas
Christmas is around the corner and it is believed that Jesus Christ was born on this day. Want to known the tale of his birth? Read on.
It is said that God sent angel Gabriel to Nazareth to tell Virgin Mary that she would bear God's own son and she was to name him Jesus.
As the day of the birth neared, Roman Emperor Augustus ordered census of Roman domains.
Mary, with her yet-to-be husband Joseph travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, but could not find a place to stay.
Both of them were turned away. But seeing Mary was heavily pregnant, an inn owner said they could stay in his stable.
Jesus was born in a manger in the stable. An angel told shepherds near Bethlehem of Jesus' birth.
Three wise men from east saw a brilliant star in the sky and they reached the stable bearing gifts for Jesus.
Thus, Christmas or "Christ's Mass" is celebrated every year marking birth of Jesus.
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