Constipation is a common problem today, and it is generally defined as having less than three bowel movements per week. Here are some foods that one should avoid when suffering from constipation.
One should avoid eating fried or fast foods because these foods tend to be high in fat and low in fibre, a combination that can slow digestion.
Red Meat is high in fat, which is why it takes longer for the digestive tract to process it. So one should avoid meat when they are suffering from constipation.
Bananas are a conundrum when it comes to constipation foods to avoid, as unripe bananas can cause constipation but ripe bananas can help relieve constipation.
Caffeine consumption can cause dehydration in the body which in turn can worsen constipation.
Eating low-fibre food can worsen constipation and white rice is one of them. The main source of fibre in rice gets removed during its processing.
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