World Book Day: Tips To Get Into The Habit Of Reading

Are you someone who’s always wanted to develop the habit of reading but get distracted easily? Or are you someone who would identify as an avid reader but got busy with the mundane things in life? Here are quick easy ways to develop the habit of reading:

Always remember you don’t need a lot of time to start reading. It can start with just 15 minutes of daily reading.

Don’t overburden yourself with a heavy-on-text book. Start with a simple, easy read.

It’s always a good practice to sleep to a book vs to a device. So keep that phone or tablet or TV away and read to sleep.

Start with a genre that excites you. It could be thriller for some people, romance for others.

Discuss what you read with a friend or spouse or child. The more you converse about it, the easier it will be to go back to it so that you can discuss it more.

Make your bedroom a reading haven with reading lights.