Foods to Boost Baby's Brain Development During Pregnancy

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Brain development begins long before a child can walk and talk, it starts in the mother's womb. Several studies have explored how maternal diet and nutrient intake result in the development of fetal growth and development, especially the brain. Critical stages of brain development occur during the first trimester, meaning the first three months of pregnancy. 

Here Are Some Food Options During Pregnancy For Baby's Brain Development 

1) Prenatal Vitamins: Pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins as suggested by their doctor. Typically, doctors recommend taking vitamins along with fresh fruits and vegetables.

2) Choline: Choline is vital for the development of the baby's brain, spinal cord, and neurotransmitters. It can be made in the liver. It is also found in foods such as meats, fish, nuts, beans, vegetables, and eggs. 

3) Protein: The amino acids in proteins are recognised to be necessary for cell regeneration and healing. During pregnancy, these proteins also contribute to brain cell growth and development. Protein-rich foods include dairy products like milk and eggs, legumes, whole grains, poultry, nuts and seeds. 

4) Vitamin B Complex: It is important for the development of different parts of the baby's brain function. Fresh vegetables like Shitake mushrooms, potatoes, broccoli, and spinach, whole grains, legumes, tuna, and salmon, and fresh fruits, like avocados and bananas are some rich sources. 

5) Zinc and Iron: It plays a key role in a baby's brain development. Zinc accelerates the growth and development of brain cells and tissues. Meanwhile, iron promotes the formation of haemoglobin, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen. A baby's brain growth during pregnancy is strongly dependent on adequate oxygen supply.