What Is The Right Time To Have Dinner As Per Ayurveda?

The routine and habits of consuming food can be an important factor in maintaining a person's health. Here is what Ayurveda says about the right time to consume dinner.

Traditional Ayurveda recommends consuming food twice a day, however, people nowadays usually consume three meals.

To ensure the dinner is properly digested, a person should eat two or three hours before going to bed, before 8 pm.

Having dinner at the right time helps in improving metabolism, digestion, and sleep. It also reduces the risk of chronic illnesses and aids in weight loss.

Eating dinner late can result in various health problems including heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, and obesity. It can also increase the risk of chronic diseases.

Ayurveda recommends a healthy diet should include low carbs and high proteins and follow a balanced diet. The food must be well-cooked and easy to digest.