What is 8+8+8 Rule For Balance Life?

In today's hectic life, it's hard to strike a balance between a personal and professional life.

For those struggling with the work-life balance, we have brought an 8+8+8 rule that you can follow to make your life simple and easy.

What is 8+8+8 Rule?

It is a time management rule that helps in allocating your day into three blocks of 8 hours.

Balance Life

The 8+8+8 method will help you balance your life between work, sleep, and personal time.

How to Apply?

To implement it effectively, make a specific plan and strategies for your day accordingly.

Dedicate this period for your rest and sleep.

8 Hours of Personal Time

Engage this time in your hobbies, spending time with family, exercising or socializing.

8 Hours of Work

Dedicate 8 hours to your work or studies with your utmost focus that can help in your personal growth.