Here are six Ayurvedic recommendations to achieve radiant, and youthful skin, as per ayurveda.
Ensure adequate water intake to keep your skin hydrated and promote a natural glow.
Use Ayurvedic herbs like neem and turmeric for natural cleansing and to purify the skin. Neem and turmeric have anti-bacterial properties that help maintain a blemish-free skin.
Saffron, an ancient Ayurvedic ingredient, harmonises all three doshas, nurtures the skin, and imparts a blemish-free and radiant complexion. Honey acts as a natural moisturiser.
Incorporate facial massages using Ayurvedic oils like coconut or almond oil to enhance blood circulation and promote healthy skin.
This solution represents a time-tested recipe for maintaining healthy and soft skin. Historical accounts suggest that even Cleopatra incorporated milk and honey into her beauty regimen. Raw milk, abundant in skin-friendly components like saturated fat, protein, calcium, and vitamin C, contributes to these benefits.
Periodic detoxification, as per Ayurvedic principles, can eliminate toxins from the body, positively impacting skin health.
Maintain a balance between mind and body through practices like yoga and meditation, as stress reduction contributes to glowing skin in Ayurveda.
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