7 Simple Morning Stretches To Start Your Day

Child's Pose

The restorative pose gently stretches your hips, pelvis, thighs and spine. All these areas can be tight in the morning, especially if you've slept a little "wrong".

Cat-Cow Pose

These two stretches increase the circulation of your spinal fluid, helping you stretch the back and torso and gently massage the organs in the abdominal area. 

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

With this pose, you can stretch your arms, shoulders, wrists, and core while working your hamstrings, spine and calves. 

Standing Forward Bend

This pose works on your spinal muscles and glutes while calming your brain and relieving stress, fatigue and anxiety. It also stimulates the kidneys, liver, and digestion. 

One-Legged Dog Pose

This pose helps you open your side body and hips. It also calms the mind and develops confidence. 

Mountain Pose

This pose is a simple yet efficient stretch to add to your morning routine. It improves your posture and gives you confidence. 

Warrior Pose

This standing pose is also known as a power pose, as it boosts confidence and improves flexibility in your hips.