An extroverted introvert, also known as an ambivert, is someone who has a balance of both personalities. They love both being alone and interacting with people. Here are some traits of an extroverted introverted person.
You are great at making new friends and socialising but not too much. Socialising is mentally draining for you and you need a break from it every then and now.
Unlike an extrovert, ambiverts take a little longer to get comfortable with a person or situation. They need to push themselves harder, but they’re still more comfortable than introverts.
In case you find an environment, like a date or a party too friendly, you always have an escape plan. You are best at making an excuse whenever you want to run away from a group of highly extrovert people.
At social gatherings, you can both mingle with people cheerfully and enjoy the event from a distance. This is another way for ambiverts to recharge their social batteries.
People mistake you for an extrovert as you show signs of being polite, outgoing and fun. But in reality, you can’t recharge yourself without spending some alone time with yourself.
Extroverted introverts don’t enjoy small talk at all. This is where your introverted side is stronger. Small talk feels fake to ambiverts and doesn’t fill their batteries.
While an ambivert is usually surrounded by people, much like an extrovert, no one really knows them (even those closest to them). They enjoy being around people who don’t take offence easily, as they will more often cancel on you.
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