7 Health Benefits of Millets

Millets are superfoods with a high nutritional value. They are a powerhouse of protein, vitamins, fibres, and minerals. Millets are very affordable, hence they are also named as poor man’s food grain. Here are some health benefits offered by millets.

Help control blood sugar levels

Consuming millets daily helps control blood sugar fluctuations. Since millets have a low glycemic index, their regular consumption lowers the risk of developing diabetes.

Aid weight loss

Millets are high in protein and fibre, which help in weight loss. They keep the stomach fuller for a longer time, thus avoiding the need to consume unhealthy snacks between meals.

Prevent asthma

Millets are rich in magnesium which helps to bring down the severity of asthma. It also reduces the frequency of migraines.

Help in digestion

Millets have high fibre content that helps in digestion and reduces bloating, cramping, and constipation.

Boost immunity

According to several researches, millets are beneficial in building immunity. They are a great source of protein that helps to strengthen immunity.

Prevent cardiovascular diseases

Millets contain essential fats which reduce the risk of heart strokes, high cholesterol, and other heart complications.