Hangovers, marked by a headache, sensitivity to light and noise, and nausea, seem like your body’s way of reminding you of the hazards of going overboard with alcohol, especially during the holidays.
While there is no ‘cure’ to deal with the unpleasant aftermath of heavy alcohol intoxication, simply known as a hangover, here are some ways to ease your discomfort:
Alcohol is a diuretic which means it makes you urinate more often and can lead to dehydration. Drinking water or an energy drink can help you restore your hydration level as well as sugar and salt loss.
Breakfast is said to be one of the most important meals of the day. But when you have hangover, it is also the best way to ease fatigue and headaches by replacing the vitamins and minerals your body may have lost while working overtime to process the alcohol consumed.
Alcohol lowers your blood sugar, and your brain needs carbs to refuel. Many people forget to eat or don’t have the energy for breakfast, but even a couple of slices of wheat toast or a few whole-grain crackers could do the trick.
Opting for painkillers during a hangover can be tricky. As an over-the-counter medicine can help the headache, it can also irritate the lining of your stomach and worsen your nausea.
The phrase comes from the age-old belief that you could cure rabies by drinking a potion containing hair of the dog that bit you. Hair of the dog is a remedy based on popular notion that taking one or two more drinks will ease the hangovers symptoms. But actually it does not allow your body to recover, throwing it into the same destructive cycle.
While the internet is full of suggestions on how you can ‘cure’ a hangover, the best way is to rest and give it time to go away on its own. Hangovers typically last for 24 hours, but even then it takes a little longer to feel like yourself again.
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