6 Tips That Will Help You Reduce Your Phone Time

Spending too much time on your phone? Don’t worry! Here are a few tips that will help reduce your phone addiction:

Silent Mode

The notification sound prompts you to check your phone again and again. So putting your phone on silent will help you control the screen time.

Control Your Mind

The first thing you can do is control your mind and avoid the habit of checking your phone and scrolling through social media every five minutes.

Keep Your Phone Away

For a particular time span, put your phone away, as it will control your habit of scrolling without any specific reason.

Delete Apps

Try to uninstall the application on which you are wasting a lot of your time. It will subsequently reduce your screen time.

Keep Yourself Busy

Use your time reading books, doing exercise or any other favourite activity during your free time. As it will keep your mind busy and away from your phone.

Track Screen Time

Manage your screen time by tracking the amount of time you are spending on your phone and doing what. And then try to keep it as low as possible.