Instead of soda, you can opt for naturally-flavoured water, made by adding slices of your favourite fruits, vegetables, and herbs to water.
Iced tea is a good swap for sugary soda. It keeps you hydrated, boosts your antioxidants and has a refreshing flavour.
Sparkling water is a healthier alternative to soda because it contains zero sugar or calories. It also doesn't have any of the acids or chemicals found in bubble-based drinks.
Lemon water is low in calories and contains significantly less sugar than soda. It can help you reduce your calorie intake and potentially aid weight loss efforts.
Coconut water is a refreshing, readily available, delicious and healthy drink. It is a hydrating thirst-quencher packed with potassium, magnesium, and sodium.
A glass of milk contains essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and potassium. The best thing about milk is that you can combine it with the flavour of your choice.
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