Take leftover veggies like potatoes, beans, carrots, and onions, and roast them. Put them in a bowl and top it up with a fried egg. In the hectic mornings, this breakfast dish is healthy and quick option
In the morning, make a quick scrambled eggs and serve it with chopped avocados, capsicum and corn.
If you love eating oatmeal, then overnight bowls are the best option. Soak oats in your preferred milk overnight and in morning top your dish with ingredients like Banana, dried fruit, nuts and berries
Take leftover rice and soute it with spices, add paneer, lot of veggies, and sauces. Add nachos for the crunch in the wholesome bowl.
Loaded with a lot of protein and veggies, make this dish with your favourite vegetables, boiled chickpeas and tahini sauce.
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