5 Symptoms Of Calcium Deficiency In Early 30s

While in the early 30s, symptoms of calcium deficiency, also known as hypocalcaemia, are not as common as in older age groups, they can still occur. Here are some potential symptoms to look out for.

Muscle Cramps

Calcium plays a role in muscle function, so low levels can lead to muscle cramps, especially in the legs.

Tingling or Numbness

Another symptom related to low calcium levels is tingling or numbness, particularly in the hands, feet, or face. This is because calcium is essential for nerve function.

Weak or Brittle Nails

This one is especially for the ladies who like to keep their nails long. Calcium deficiency can affect nail health. If you're suddenly noticing weak or brittle nails that break easily, your calcium levels may be to blame.

Fatigue or Weakness

Low calcium levels can also contribute to fatigue or weakness, even with adequate rest.

Dental Problems

Calcium is important for dental health, so a deficiency may lead to issues like weak or brittle teeth, or an increased risk of cavities.