Helps sleep better and faster Having warm milk at night can help you sleep faster due to the presence of tryptophan and bioactive peptides in it.
Helps in weight loss Having a cup of milk will also keep away all your night cravings, providing you with a feeling of fulfillment and increasing protein intake.
Contributes to healthy bones Vitamin D, which is vital for the body to absorb calcium to keep your bones strong and healthy, is found in milk.
Controls cholesterol levels The presence of vitamin A, D, and Calcium improves your overall heart health, lowering cholesterol levels. Protein helps remove bad cholesterol (LDL) and augment good Cholesterol (HDL.
Works as anti-inflammatory Adding a pinch of turmeric powder helps milk retain antioxidants and antibacterial properties, offering a natural remedy to cough and cold, and infections that cause disturbance to your sleep.
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