7 Ways To Fight Sugar Cravings

Reach Out For Fruit 

If you get sugar cravings often, keep fruits handy. You’ll get fibre and nutrients along with some sweetness. 

Walk Your Cravings Away

When a sugar craving hits, take a walk or listen to music. Distracting yourself is an effective way to combat sugar cravings. 

Give In A Little 

It’s not necessary to go cold turkey when fighting sugar cravings. Giving in a little can help you steer clear of feeling denied. 

Combine Foods

Instead of consuming sugary desserts, you can choose healthier options like chocolate-dipped strawberries or banana shakes with honey. 

Eat Regularly

Sugar cravings usually occur when you wait too long between meals. Eating small meals every three to five hours can help keep blood sugar stable and avoid irrational eating behaviour.   

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners 

You don’t necessarily need to decrease sugar cravings. Daily use of artificial sweeteners suggests a link to a higher risk of stroke and heart disease. 

Reward Yourself 

You should reward yourself for successfully managing your sugar cravings. The reward can be small or large based on your progress.