5 Vegan Butters You Should Try

If you follow a vegan diet, here are some healthy and delicious plant-based options that you can try:


Peanut butter is beneficial for heart health and controlling blood sugar levels. It has a delicious taste and makes a perfect ingredient for various desserts, baked goods and smoothies.


Almond butter is loaded with nutrients including vitamin E, protein, calcium, and healthy fats. It can be added to smoothies and can be a substitute for regular butter in many recipes.


Hazelnut butter is a good source of vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, and iron. It has a unique taste that can enhance the flavour of various baked goods, desserts, and smoothies.


Walnut butter is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is also beneficial to improve cognitive health. It can be added to cakes and bread recipes. Walnut butter also makes a good ingredient for a salad dressing.


Cashew butter is rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, and protein. It can be added to a variety of dishes, smoothies, and baked goods for a healthy boost.