Ingredients: Suji, yeast, sugar, salt, milk, oil and water.
Step 1: Take a fine suji, yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix it.
Step 2: Add water, milk and oil and mix it properly.
Step 3: Keep the dough aside for a few minutes.
Step 4: Take the dough and knead it one more time.
Step 5: After the dough is soft enough, transfer it into a bread baking dish.
Step 6: If you want to cook it in the oven, preheat the oven for 10 minutes. Then place the bread dish in the oven and bake it for 25 minutes.
Pressure Cooker: You can also make the bread in a cooker. For this, place some salt in the bottom of the cooker and heat it. Place a stand on the surface of the cooker and put your bread dough on the stand. Cook it for 25 minutes.
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