5 Creative Ways To Use Leftover Eggshells

Soothe aching joints

Eggshells contain nutrients that promote healthy joints and it can also fix sore spots when mixed with apple cider vinegar.

Face scrub and mask

Looking for an inexpensive mask? Take an egg from your kitchen and separate egg whites and yolks. Now crush the eggshell in a mixer grinder and mix with egg whites.


If you have a balcony garden and you want to grow tomatoes, don't throw away eggshells instead crush them and mix them with soil to improve the yield.

Add to recipes

You can also use eggshells in food. Since a single eggshell contains 2.2 grams of calcium, according to the University of Florida, you can use it as a calcium intensifying agent in dishes.

Clean utensils

If you don't fancy consuming your eggshells, use them to clean your utensils. Simply crush a few eggshells into a dirty pan and add dish soap with hot water to scrub it clean.