5 Best Broccoli Recipes

Broccoli Salad

This broccoli salad recipe is easy and quick! Take a bowl and load it with broccoli florets, chopped cucumber, onion, nuts, lettuce, and your favorite sauce.

Broccoli Pasta

To make broccoli pasta, take half-cooked broccoli and mix it with boiled pasta. Saute it in garlic butter with a lot of cheese and your favourite veggies.

Broccoli Kabab

This is a satisfying and comforting food that you should try. To make this recipe, take broccoli florets and mix them with boiled potatoes, cheese, onion, and green chilies. Cook the kababs on low flame with little oil.

Baked Broccoli 

Steam the broccoli and put it in a bowl. Top it with some cheese and oregano. Bake it for a few minutes and enjoy.

Mushroom and Broccoli Stir Fry

It's a healthy, and quick recipe! Chop broccoli florets into thin slices, and sauté them on medium flame with some garlic and mushrooms.