Five Green Flags To Look For On First Date 

1. They can cook

If you are on a date and they say they can cook better than what was just served on the table, that's a green flag.

2. They love some form of art or activity

It could be books, painting, music, cinema, pop or something as basic as cycling or exercising or gymming. If they can't stop talking about how the art or activity they love is the world's best offering, that's a green flag.

3. They are ambitious

People with ambition will understand your hopes and dreams for the life you want to live. Ambition is the salt that brings out the flavour of life in a person, and its presence is an absolute green flag.

4. They love animals

Not everyone could essentially be an animal lover but if your date is one, that's the greenest of all flags.

5. They treat people with humility

Humility, not feeling they are the centre of the universe; and treating people with respect makes a person whole. If your date is humble, your date is most likely to be the one.