7 Ways To Reuse Old Tea Bags

Did you know you can use tea bags to cook your pasta? If you are making lemon grass pasta, immerse a tea bag in boiling water for a few minutes before adding pasta. Take the bag out, add pasta and cook.

If you have a garden, you can boil your old tea bags and use the brewed water to water your plants. It will protect them from fungal infections.

After drying the tea bags, you can also place them in smelly shoes to make them odour-less. The tea bag soaks up the bad odour.

You can also use old tea bags during pedicures. It helps remove dead skin cells and the antioxidants help with skin rejuvenation.

You can also condition your hair with old tea bags. Just brew some in water and give your hair a nice rinse.

Stubborn greases can also be removed with old tea bags. All you need to do is dip some old tea bags in warm water before washing dishes.

Instead of bath bombs, you can add old tea bags in your bathtub to have a rejuvenating self care session.