5 Uses of Garlic Peel No One Told You About

Helps Make A Good Broth

When cooking stews or soups, throw in the skins and peels for extra flavour. Simmered garlic peel can taste a lot like roasted garlic after a while.

Make An Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Simmer garlic skins in a pot for 10–20 minutes, then strain and enjoy the liquid like a healing tea. It's believed to alleviate muscle cramps and may contribute to better sleep for some.

Soothes Irritated Skin

For irritated or itchy skin, applying a solution made by steeping onion and garlic skins can help alleviate symptoms, thanks to the natural antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties found in these ingredients.

Use As Natural Fertiliser

If you don't have any culinary or topical uses for garlic peels, you can opt to save them for composting. Some gardeners find value in using garlic and onion stocks or infusions as a way to enrich their crops and plants with additional nutrients when watering them.

For Hair Growth 

Boil garlic peel and use the infused water to wash your hair. It kills germs and makes your hair soft.