Exercising regularly can result in increased levels of endorphins. It does not matter whether you work out for 10 mins or 30 mins, what is important is to exercise daily. As per a research, when individuals exercise in a group, the boost in endorphins levels is better.
Endorphins also kick in with the help of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a technique where thin needles are used to stimulate pressure points. It helps with chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and cramps.
Meditation is another way to increase endorphin levels in the body. Meditation also promotes overall well-being, enhances mood, increases the ability to fight illness, and promotes good sleep.
Aromatherapy has also proved effective in boosting endorphin levels in the body. Among the oils that one can try are rosemary, citrus fragrances, ylang-ylang, and frankincense.
Chocolate can also promote the feeling of goodness as it produces endorphins in the body. It can help in times when one is stressed as it helps to instantly raise your spirits. A glass of red wine can also help.
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