Prunes are well known for their natural laxative effect. They contain fibre which can help promote regular bowel movements and maintain overall digestive health.
Prunes are a good source of antioxidants that can help neutralise free radicals in the body. These compounds can contribute to overall health and may help protect cells from damage.
Prunes contain essential nutrients for bone health, including vitamin K and manganese. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in bone mineralisation and helps maintain bone density.
The fibre, potassium, and antioxidants in prunes may contribute to heart health. Fibre can help lower cholesterol levels, while potassium helps regulate blood pressure.
Prunes have a low glycemic index (GI) so they raise the blood sugar levels slowly. As per a review, a low-GI diet was better for weight management and blood glucose in comparison to a high-GI diet.
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