Top 8 Nations With Highest Percentage of Hindus

1. Nepal

Nepal is the only nation in the world where more than 80 per cent of the population hails from the Hindu religion. Hindus form 80.6 per cent of Nepal's population, followed by Buddhists (9 per cent).

2. India

India is the largest country in the world in terms of the population of Hindus, who constitute 78.9 per cent of India's total population. Islam is the second-biggest religion in India.

3. Mauritius

Mauritius, a small island nation in the Indian Ocean, has a diverse religious landscape. Hindus form a significant portion of the population, making up approximately 48.5% of the total population.

4. Fiji

Fiji has a significant Indo-Fijian community, with Hindus accounting for approximately 27.9% of the total population. Most people here are Christian (64.4 per cent), while the population of Muslims is 6.3 per cent.

5. Guyana

 In Guyana, Hindus make up around 24% of the population, whereas the majority of the population remains Christian (63 per cent). Muslims form 7 per cent of the total population here.

6. Bhutan

Around 22.5 per cent population in this South Asian nation is Hindu, while the majority of the population follows Buddhism (74.8 per cent). The Christian and Muslim population in Bhutan is almost absent.

7. Trinidad And Tobago

With 22.3 per cent of the population identifying as Hindus, Trinidad And Tobago is the seventh-largest country in the world in terms of Hindu population per capita. Christianity is the largest religion here with 63.2 per cent of people identifying as Christians.

8. Suriname

Suriname is a small South American country where Hindus form a significant minority. With approximately 18.3% of the population being Hindus, Suriname is the eighth-largest country in the world in terms of Hindu population per capita.