Ranveer Singh’s High Protein Diet For A Muscular Body

Ranveer Singh focuses solely on a high-protein diet for a muscular physique. In addition to a rigorous workout routine involving intense cardio and weight training, he adheres to a specific dietary plan supporting his fitness goals.

 High Protein & Low Fat

He starts the day with a high-carb breakfast, and gradually reduces carbohydrate intake as the day progresses. His diet includes a substantial amount of protein, primarily sourced from lamb, and incorporates healthy fats, such as those found in salmon.

Small Meals

 To optimise calorie utilisation, Ranveer divides his meals into intervals of three hours, ensuring he never skips a meal. This approach allows the body ample time to utilise consumed calories efficiently.


 Ranveer's morning meal consists of boiled eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables, providing a significant protein boost.


 For lunch, the actor combines protein and a modest amount of carbohydrates. Meal variations include chicken, stir-fried lamb with vegetables, and salmon.


Dinner exclusively comprises protein, with small portions of either chicken or fish. Opting for lean meats like chicken ensures a low-fat, protein-rich meal. 


 Ranveer chooses nutritious snacks, incorporating fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and protein shakes into his snack routine.

 Alcohol Abstinence

   Ranveer attributes his muscular and fit physique to staying away from alcohol. Dietitians also suggest that alcohol consumption can diminish the effectiveness of workouts.