7 Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves 

Cloves are best known as a sweet and aromatic spice, but they have also been used in traditional medicine. Here are some impressive health benefits of cloves. 

Ease breathing 

Patients suffering from bronchitis, and asthma are often advised to inhale the smell of cloves for instant relief. Put some cloves on a hot pan and inhale those fumes for opening clogged airways. 


Cloves are best for people with high blood sugar levels. Research has found that cloves improve insulin sensitivity and aid in the efficient functioning of insulin. 

Relieve toothache 

Clove oil is an effective remedy for dental pain, toothaches, sore gums, and mouth ulcers due to its germicidal properties. 

Reduce body pain and inflammation 

The eugenol in cloves possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps ease pain by stimulating pain receptors in the body. 

Prevents cancer 

The compound eugenol present in cloves possesses strong anti-carcinogenic properties and helps control lung cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer in early stages. 

Good for bone health 

People with weak bones and osteoporosis benefit from taking cloves regularly, as they help in increasing bone density and mineral content in bones. 

Promote digestion 

Cloves improve digestion by stimulating enzyme secretions and increasing digestive motility.