7 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Schitt’s Creek 

It’s incredibly funny 

The show is about a wealthy family that loses its fortune and moves to a small town called Schitt’s Creek, where they live in a run-down motel and meet a bunch of quirky neighbours. 

Short and breezy episodes 

Each episode has a run-time of around 22 minutes. Despite having six seasons, the show doesn’t require a significant time commitment. With its humour and heart-warming moments, you’ll breeze through it quickly. 

Stellar character development 

The characters are distinct and well-rounded. It’s both intriguing and funny to witness their adjustment from a luxurious past to a modest life. 

Fashion on fleek  

The fashion in the show is almost like a separate character. One of the producers, Dan Levy, said that aside from the writing, the wardrobe plays a crucial role in the series. 

Quips and phrases you’ll want to make your own 

Alexis’ famous, ‘Ewwww David!’ is unmissable. This show is a goldmine of quotable lines, and the iconic one-liners keep coming throughout the entire series. 

Proud and positive LGBTQ+ portrayal 

David’s (Dan Levy’s character) relationships on the show reflect his fluid sexuality without any fuss or judgment. It’s presented as completely normal, which is how it should be. 

Feel-good element 

If you’re looking for a heart-warming, feel-good getaway, Schitt’s Creek is where you belong.