'I saw UFO': Former US President's secret conversations reveal his belief in aliens

Produced by Tarun Mishra

Private Conversation

Scott Simon of NPR has revealed details of an off-the-record conversation with former US President Jimmy Carter from the late 1900s. The discussion focused on UFOs and alien civilisations, sparked by Simon’s work on a story about alien abduction support groups.

Carter’s Philosophical Perspective

According to New York Post, Jimmy Carter shared his belief in a larger divine plan, saying, “If there is life out there, we’re still part of the same master plan. God’s hands are big enough to hold us both.”

UFOs as Alien Vehicles

While Jimmy Carter did not rule out the existence of extraterrestrial life, he expressed doubt that UFOs were related to alien civilisations, stating, “I doubt they’d send big, bulky airships. They’d probably just keep watch and leave us alone.”

Carter’s Personal Sighting

Jimmy Carter claimed to have witnessed a UFO during a Lions Club supper in Georgia. “I saw an unidentified flying object,” Carter said. He described having seen a bright light that changed colours and moved closer before stopping beyond nearby pine trees. However, Carter later withdrew his statement and said that he did not believe the object was from outer space.

Legacy of UFO Disclosure

During his presidency, Jimmy Carter disclosed approximately half of the US government’s UFO sightings. His campaign promise in 1976 to release government UFO information was a significant step in promoting transparency on the subject.

Shirley MacLaine

Actress Shirley MacLaine, a friend of Carter, claimed that he privately expressed stronger beliefs about alien crafts and their occupants than he did publicly, supporting her views on the subject.

Impact on UFO Research

Jimmy Carter remains notable for his openness about UFOs, his personal sightings, and his efforts to disclose government files on the subject. His legacy continues to influence discussions on extraterrestrial life and unidentified aerial phenomena.