New Delhi, Delhi, India

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday named top diplomat Stephen Beigun as a special representative to North Korea as he announced another visit to the nuclear-armed country next week.


Stephen Beigun will also accompany Pompeo during the visit.

"Steve will direct the US policy towards North Korea and lead our efforts to achieve President Trump's goal of the final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea, as agreed to by chairman Kim Jong Un," Pompeo was quoted as saying by AFP.

Mike Pompeo who is leading the US negotiating effort with North Korea on denuclearisation had also visited North Korea earlier this month after which he had said, North Korea's continued work on weapons programmes was inconsistent with its leader's commitment to denuclearise.


This will be Pompeo's fourth visit to the country, this year since the landmark summit with the US President Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12 with Kim Jong-un who is seeking relief from tough sanctions, committed in a broad statement to work towards denuclearisation.

Earlier in July also Pompeo had visited North Korea to discuss the roadmap on denuclearisation. Pompeo has said at that time that he had made progress on key issues, only for North Korea to accuse his delegation hours later of making "gangster-like" demands.

However, despite the US' continuous pressure on North Korea to denuclearise, Pyongyang has not offered any details on how it might go about this.


On July 25, Pompeo told a Senate committee hearing that North Korea was continuing to produce fuel for nuclear bombs in spite of its pledge.

A senior US official has also said that the US spy satellites had detected renewed activity at the North Korean factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States.