
Nepal won tourism awards at the 14th Hospitality India and Explore the World Annual International Travel Awards 2018 which was held in the Indian capital New Delhi.


The award ceremony was organised to honour the best-in-class in the field of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Sector in India and Nepal.

The awards evening encompassed various cultural programs and fashion ramp walks by experienced models.

Present at the occasion as guest of honour, KJ Alphons, Union Minister of State for Tourism acknowledged Nepal as a fast emerging tourist destination for Indian tourists. He said, "Nepal is a very close friend of India and we need to have lot of Indians touring to Nepal and also vice-versa. So, I strongly encourage tourism from Nepal and to Nepal"


Cutting a niche in the Tourism Industry Sector, Nepal has given a great impetus to its tourism industry during the last few years.

Leader in hospitality and tourism sector, Nepal's Chandragiri Hills Limited was conferred as Nepal's best tourism destination during the award ceremony.

Ramdas Athawale, Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, presented the awards to the captains of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry from India and Nepal.


Elated on Nepal's emerging hospitality Industry, Deepak Raj Joshi, the CEO of Nepal Tourism Board said, "Nepal has always remained a very special and preferred destination for Indian travellers. But during last few years there was a little downfall and now it is picking up quite well.

In last month only we received 30 per cent growth from India only."

Nepal has been providing great impetus to its Tourism Industry attracting more and more Indian tourist footfall in the region.