New Delhi
Would you prefer to call it thirty successful years of Panchayati Raj system flourishing in India or have you seen the rotting side of the local self-government at village level in the country. The Panchayati Raj system touted as a decentralised form of government was aimed at ensuring the best use of funds and resources as per the needs of the people at grassroots level.
Political theorist Rajni Kothari said that politicization of castes is playing a big role in local self-government system which was aimed at benefiting the underprivileged sections of society. But where it is supposed to be deepening the democratic ideals at grassroots level, it is promoting âcasteismâ.
Caste has become a power in itself, and itâs said that power never ceases but shifts. Consequently, those who have the bigger numbers at times turn out benefiting more.
A completely biased approach has been being witnessed at village level polity while carrying out developmental works. The funds allocated to promote welfare of all are used to please those who are unhappy due to political reasons.
There is a need to maintain transparency and ensure that the public funds are not appropriated by a certain section alone but are used for the welfare of all. Accountability is very important in panchayati raj system to truly ensure the benefits of democracy to all. A system of monitoring and proper surveillance should be developed at Gram Sabha level to keep a regular check on the working of the panchayats.
In a huge and populous country like India, it is tough to keep an eye on three million public representatives across villages. Is it time to look back at the recommendations of the Ashok Mehta Committee, 1977, and replace it by two-tier system for effective management?
The Union government needs to check the mismanagement of the decentralized institutions and may need to restructure them to safeguard the interests of all.
(Disclaimer: The views of the writer do not represent the views of WION or ZMCL. Nor does WION or ZMCL endorse the views of the writer.)
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