Grievance Redressal


Grievance Redressal for Digital Platforms


Indiadotcom Digital Private limited is a member of News Broadcasters and Digital Association (NBDA) and it adheres to the Code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standards ( "Code "), which can be accessed at


If a viewer wants to complain about violations of the Code in respect of content of Member's Channel and/or Digital Platforms including Website, YouTube etc., the complaint redressal mechanism is a "two-tier " procedure. Any person aggrieved by the content of the Channel and/or Digital Platforms including Website, YouTube etc. is required to first make a complaint to the Compliance Officer of the Member of NBDA, whose details are mentioned hereinbelow:

Sanya Malik

Grievance Redressal Officer


Indiadotcom Digital Private Limited


FC – 19, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida – 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India


Phone: 0120-7153000


Email: [email protected]

and if such complaint is not satisfactorily addressed by the concerned Member, the complainant may then prefer the complaint before the News Broadcasters and Digital Standards Authority (NBDSA) on the email id - [email protected].

Grievance Redressal for TV Channels


Any complaint relating to content of TV channels of Zee Media Corporation Ltd namely: Zee News, Zee Hindustan, Zee Salaam, Zee 24 Kalak, Zee 24 Taas, Zee 24 Ghanta, Zee Bihar Jharkhand, Zee Delhi NCR, Zee Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh, Zee Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand, Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal, Zee Business, Zee Rajasthan and WION under the Code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standards and News Broadcasting Standards Regulation of News Broadcasters and Digital Association (NBDA) shall be made by a person aggrieved within a reasonable time not exceeding 7 (seven) days from the date of first broadcast to the following person appointed by the Company whose details are reproduced below:


Grievance Redressal Officer


Zee Media Corporation Limited


FC – 19, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida – 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India


Phone: 0120-7153000


Email: [email protected]

However, before making a complaint viewers are encouraged to go through the Code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standards, News Broadcasting Standards Regulations and Guide to the Complaint Redressal. These details are available on the website of NBDA
